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Reflecting on our 2020 platform launch

A summary of the things we've implemented this year and our goals for next year.

Kimberly Quimson avatar
Written by Kimberly Quimson
Updated over a week ago

As we reach the conclusion of a very unusual year, we at Players 1st would like to share a special thanks to all our clients, new and old, and to wish you a happy and healthy new year.

Whilst the pandemic impacted sports participation and recreation for many, we have focused our time and energy into launching our new platform solution to clients across the globe. The many new features and additional benefits of the new platform have only been made possible from the ideas and feedback received from our clients over the past years.

We do hope that the impact of corona virus on your club has been limited and you can look forward to a bright and prosperous future. Underpinned by customer experience insights, of course!

We’d like to take this opportunity to share some of the new platform features successfully launched in 2020, and whilst we are extremely proud of these, we won’t stop the developments any time soon.

Improved survey tool, creating industry leading response rates

With an increasing number of respondents accessing our surveys through smartphones (from 39% in 2017 to 56% in 2020) it was a natural development to revamp the survey layout as well as the technology running our data collection engine to be more compatible with this trend. We also added some new account features with the introduction of the survey launch and reminders scheduling option, as well as access to a shareable survey link for use on websites or social media. With over 10 million responses collated through the Players 1st platform it is gratifying to see an overall increase in response rates across our entire client base after the platform upgrade was implemented.

Customizable survey templates = limitless options

A common client feature request is related to the flexibility of questions within the survey templates. With that in mind we have now introduced the functionality to toggle default template questions on and off as well the option to create custom questions to suit the needs of your club. It is now possible to upload your club logo into the survey as well as edit the survey invite emails allowing for consistent branding and messaging from your club to your guests and members.

Enhanced results platform with smart analytics, saving you effort and resource

Players 1st have been pioneers in the field of online reporting and we continue to optimize this capability with the introduction of smart analytics into our platform. By introducing advanced analytical techniques, we are able to guide you to the pains and gains within your survey data more efficiently and effectively than before.

The smart analytics identifies the most important evaluation points which allows you to prioritize the effort and resource in the most optimal way when considering to invest in your guest and member satisfaction.

In order to add some flesh to the bone, we also introduced a search feature and filter options to the open comments section. These functions allow the user to explore and quickly identify supplementary commentary on specific topics like pace of play or bunker quality.

Call to action from your smartphone and reduce impacts from naysayers

It is cited that a consumer is 21% more likely to leave a review after a negative experience than a positive one and can have damaging consequences on your future business. The best solution to avoid dissatisfied customers posting negative reviews is to take an active approach and engage with the customer. The Players 1st app has been developed to provide a support tool for clubs to address these issues directly with the customer. The smartphone app provides clubs with instant access to real time feedback alongside contact information from your guests and members, giving you the power to potentially convert and win back any unhappy customer.

Right around the corner…

The Players 1st feature’s roadmap for 2021 remains committed to investing in the features that will help maximize the customer experience for your guests and members to enable continued growth. We will introduce features that will assist with the management of your customer experience such as notifications, improved exporting and reporting as well as text analysis. We will also introduce custom benchmarking, new survey templates for professional / lesson evaluation as well as employee satisfaction templates.

In selected countries we will be able to introduce our brand-new business intelligence suite which integrates your member and booking engines to provide you with deeper insight into membership development as well as course utilization and much more.

Phew! We hope we have captured your attention with some of the developments we have been busy working on, and assured that we remain invested in our clients.

Thanks for your continued collaboration, trust and confidence in Players 1st to help grow your business.

The Players 1st team

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