The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is widely accepted as the most robust means of measuring how satisfied customers are with the experience of a company or product.
The Net Promoter Score categorizes respondents into promoters, passives and detractors. It is determined whether a respondent is a promotor, passive or detractor by the respondent's answer on the 0-10 scale question "How likely are you to recommend the club to friends, family or colleagues?".
A promoter has answered 9 or 10
A passive has answered 7 or 8
A detractor has answered between 0 and 6
The NPS is calculated by subtracting the share of detractors from the share of promoters.
Thus, the NPS can vary from -100 (all respondents being detractors) to 100 (all respondents being promoters).
As an example, if you have 60 % promoters and 20 % detractors, your NPS is 40 %.
Read more about the Net Promoter Score in our blog post: The Net Promoter Score - The most popular way of measuring customer loyalty.