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Results (main view)

The basics of what everything on the results dashboard does

Mikkel D. Bertelsen avatar
Written by Mikkel D. Bertelsen
Updated over 11 months ago

Welcome to our introduction to the results dashboard. This article will explain what everything on the dashboard does.

If you're looking on how to interpret your results, you can view our article called: How to interpret your results.

Video guide

Accessing your Results Dashboard

  1. From your home page select the ‘Navigation’ icon in the top right corner

  2. Select ‘Name of the Survey’ under the Survey Dashboards section.

  3. You're now present on one of our dashboards.

Introduction to the dashboard

Our dashboard is split into different sections, I will briefly walk through what each section of the dashboard does.

Top navigation bar

The top navigation bar contains:

  • Export results (clicking it will export an excel sheet with result data)

  • Result dashboard (our main dashboard for this survey)

  • Comments (an overview of the two main open-comments and scores associated with it)

  • Lists (an overview of all comments and lists + sponsors if they are enabled in your survey)

  • Our main navigation menu.

Selectors, response rate, score and metadata

  • Survey (clicking on this will allow you to change to another dashboard)

  • Response rate (Clicking on the (?) will show you in-depth details)

  • Responses ( number of responses in the given date range)

  • Score (score for what you currently have selected)

  • Benchmark (clicking on this will allow you to select other benchmarks)

  • Date range (clicking on this will allow you to change the date range for the data you're looking at)

Evaluation points

The evaluation points section contains your Net Promoter Score, your service areas, and further questions. Clicking on any of these boxes will select it for you and update your score, benchmark, and response rates. If you click on a service area, you will be presented with the questions in the service area. The numbers on the far-right of the boxes is the score for the service area or question.

You can read more about it here:

Filter options

Our filter options allow you to filter on the results with different background variables in focus. Each button contains a background variable and a score or distribution for that variable. In this picture, men have given a score of 60 and females a score of 75.

Clicking on any of the buttons will update the whole dashboard to look at the selected background variable. In this case, clicking on "Male" will allow you to only see results from male respondents. You can select multiple background variables at the same time.

Score & distribution

Score displays the average scores for the member type for the selected question. This is useful to identify your most and least satisfied member types within each background variable.

Distribution displays the breakdown of the percentage of responses received from each member type for the selected question. This is useful to check whether a score for a particular member type is from a significant volume of responses

Midsection (Priority map and graphs)

Our midsection contains our priority map, development, and ranking graph. These are different visualization methods of your data.

  • Priority map (a visualization of the different service areas and touchpoints and how important they are)

  • Development graph (a graph showing your different areas and touchpoints score during your selected time period)

  • Ranking graph (a graph that shows how you're ranking on the service area or touchpoint compared to others in your benchmark)

Anonymity rules

In order to maintain member and club benchmark anonymity within the results dashboard, there are a number of minimum requirement rules which must be met to display a result

The results view minimum requirement rules are:

  • A minimum of 25 responses are required to create a Priority map correlation between the Service Area / Touchpoint and the impact on Net Promoter Score (NPS)

  • A minimum of 3 responses are required to create an aggregated score. This also applies to when a selection is made to the Evaluation points (questions) and also to any of the Filter Options (background variables)

  • A minimum of 3 clubs are required to create an aggregated score for a Benchmark. Calculation of benchmark: All clubs weight equal regardless of number of respondents


Due to the structure of our surveys, we are able to provide benchmarks for your Net Promoter Score, your service areas, and touchpoints. These benchmarks allow you to compare your results to other clubs in various ways.

The most common benchmarks you will encounter on the dashboards are:

The benchmark can be selected by clicking on the name of your benchmark, right beside the score.

Response rate

Our response rates give you as a club an indication of how many of your members or guests are willing to give you feedback. Clubs that do pre-survey communication often receive higher response rates up to 60-70%. There are however many parameters that affect how well answered your survey is, such as culture and survey type. Member surveys often receive a better answer rate, as members are more inclined to provide feedback for their own good.

Our response rate is calculated by:

# of responses/# of invitations * 100.

In some cases, you will have N/A instead of the response rate. We are not able to calculate response rates if you only use a shareable link since there are no invitations sent out. You will also see N/A if the date period you have selected only contains data from our old solution, as we currently do not have information about invitations.

You might notice that the number of responses in the response rate tooltip and the one next to your main score are different. The number of responses next to the main score is the number of responses on the variable you've selected in your evaluation points section. If you're looking at the NPS question, the number of responses will be from respondents that have answered that question.

However, the number of responses in the response rate tooltip is from respondents that have answered a minimum of one question in your survey.

Downloading your results

If you want to download your results to an export file, we have made a article and video about it, that you can access here:

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